Salmon Family Publications

Salmon Family crest: click here for crest pageRich Salmon created this publishing name during the 1980's as an umbrella covering a growing number of articles he was producing about the history of his family. After it grew into the production of a formal book (Bill's autobiography) and this first film, Transformed, Rich decided it was time to declare it a Schedule C business with the IRS. For a detailed explanation of the family crest, click here or on the shield (right).

Here is a list of titles completed to date, plus a few on the "to do" list.

Print ProjectsBook cover for William H. Salmon Autobiography with photo of him as an 18 yr old high school student

Movie ProjectsTitle frame of the movie "Sights & Sounds of the Bay of Banderas" with a birdseye view of the south bay

Website Projects

Projects planned


Click here to watch a 3 min PREVIEW of Transformed.